Everyday sports practice
For both adults and children, the regular practice of sport contributes to a healthy lifestyle. Discover a few sports so that you can choose the one that suits you best if you don’t practice any physical activity.
What sport suits you best?
When considering physical activity, the choice of a particular sport differs from person to person. Here are some suggestions for choosing the sport that’s right for you, more on annuairedusport.com.
If you like team spirit, taking on physical challenges in a group, team sports are for you. You can choose from a multitude of sports disciplines, such as football and handball, where the sharing of certain values takes precedence over the practice of the sport itself.
Athletics encompasses a wide range of disciplines that can be practiced both individually and collectively. There are also endurance and speed events (the 5000 m, 100 m, etc.) and others that require a certain technicality and dexterity, such as pole vaulting.
The practice of martial arts such as karate, jujitsu, judo and other combat sports is motivated by several reasons. Some people seek refuge there to let off steam and de-stress while others consider them indispensable for learning self-defense techniques.
Anyone can play sports
Playing sports is not restricted to a single age group or even a particular gender. Children and adults, young and old men and women can engage in a variety of activities.
Choosing a sport for
your child
Discover sports for
Senior: which sport
to practice?
Practicing sport despite disability
Sports hall and
Sports equipment and materials
The most popular sports in the world
Some sports are more popular than others. This is particularly the case for football, tennis, basketball, golf, but also baseball. Discover some of these sports.
Sports competitions around the world
There are a myriad of sports competitions around the world that attract large numbers of fans. Here’s a look at some of them.
The Olympic Games, especially in the summer, are the world’s most popular sporting competition. In fact, there are many reasons for this, including the diversity of the disciplines practiced. Indeed, everyone will find something to his liking and will follow the one he is an unconditional fan of. The prestigious character of the competition as well as its history can only move the athlete as well as the spectator. For an athlete to participate in it is already an exploit in itself, so what can we say if he succeeds in winning a medal or even becoming Olympic champion? The football World Cup is also a very well attended competition. It takes place every four years and the matches are broadcast in around 100 countries. There are other sports competitions such as the NBA in basketball, Formula One and motorcycle Grand Prix…
Sport: the basis for a healthy lifestyle
The practice of a sport must be part of each individual’s culture. Indeed, regular physical activity allows for a healthy lifestyle by preventing problems of obesity and even certain cardiovascular diseases. It is also a remedy against stress and a way to let off steam and channel one’s energy.